The Livelihoods India Case Study Competition is a pioneering initiative that brings together the collective intellect of the sector and assimilates innovative solutions, breakthroughs, good experiences and best practices that help in learning from diverse sector experience and impact poverty reduction. Instituted in 2009 by ACCESS, the competition is a tool to identify and collate models and practices that have significantly contributed to livelihoods promotion of the poor in India. ACCESS announces the Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2023.

Theme: Scaling Up Women’s Enterprises – Incubating and Empowering


India continues to lag behind its counterparts across several measures of gender equality, specifically in terms of economic outcomes. In an economy characterized by informality, entrepreneurship has received much attention as an alternative route to not just greater equality, but also growth. There is increasing evidence from both research and practice that women’s entrepreneurship has huge potential and can lead to employment generation. However, currently women owned enterprises form only 20 percent of the all MSMEs in the country. Current policy assumes these enterprises will organically scale up. However, evidence shows that women-owned firms face additional barriers to scale and therefore remain smaller, less profitable than their male counterparts.


For the year 2023, the Livelihoods India Case Study Competition invites case studies of women led SMEs that have successfully managed to overcome gender-specific obstacles and other challenges to build self-sustaining businesses, create employment and contribute meaningfully to the community. The cases should showcase effective and equal participation in markets, access, control and benefit over resources, evidence of decent work, increased agency and meaningful participation in economic decision-making, upskilling and re-skilling in pace with digital transformations to positively impact gains and so on.

Who can participate?

  • Representatives of NGOs
  • Representatives of Social Enterprises / Community led enterprises
  • Private sector
  • Government organisations
  • Students/ Researchers/ Academics
  • Funding organisations

Submission can be made by an individual author or authors/ organisation. Researchers, students, funding agencies and others who wish to submit case studies on experiences of organisations with which they are not affiliated would be required to submit a Declaration Form on permission from a competent authority of the concerned institution/ organisation whose case they are documenting.


Plaque, certificate of recognition and cash award as follows to winners of best 3 cases:

  •  Winner – INR 75,000
  • 1st Runner Up – INR 50,000
  • 2nd Runner Up – INR 25,000
  • The top 10 cases will be brought together in the form of a Compendium that will be released at the Livelihoods India Summit 2023
  • Authors of the 10 best cases will be invited to attend the Livelihoods India Summit 2023
  • All participants are requested to send the case study abstract, not exceeding 700 words, by July 05, 2023
  • The abstracts should be submitted in word format and sent to and cc to (Use subject line- Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2023)
  • The shortlisted candidates will be requested to send the full case study, not exceeding 5000 words, by September 01, 2023